Food & Beverage Manufacturing Engagement Index and Benchmark


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In this report, you will see what drives engagement and what gets in the way of

an engaging experience at work.


Sneak Peek

A Focus on Retention – a £177m problem

With 28% of people in our surveys stating that they did not intend to be working for their organisation in the next 12 months, food and beverage manufacturing has a large problem to solve!

If this statistic is consistent in organisations we do not work with, then across the sector, there could be 118,000 people leaving this year!

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"We know that having great tech that allows you to deliver surveys that are accessible and inclusive, to capture data well and show this information on real-time dashboards is really important.

As a business, we also know the value of people, and that is why we ensure that our clients are supported by experts to get the best from their surveys."

We are Fundamentally Human