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A Conversation With Christine Tacon CBE

The food manufacturing industry is the largest in the UK and faces huge retention and employee engagement challenges.

We interviewed Christine Tacon CBE, Chair of Assured Food Standards who operates the Red Tractor Assurance scheme and MDS. Together with Nick Court and Ted Hewett, she discussed the essential ingredients necessary to create the perfect recipe for employee engagement in the food manufacturing industry.

Get ready to dive into a fascinating discussion on the significance of food safety culture within the food manufacturing realm. Discover why it plays a vital role in the industry, alongside the crucial topic of employee engagement in the food sector.

We hope you enjoy!

Food & Beverage Manufacturing Engagement Index and Benchmark

We love working with companies in the food manufacturing space, and we’re extremely well-versed in the specific challenges that your industry faces.

Give your people the tools and support they need to thrive with our Engagement Index and Benchmark. Start your journey to better engagement and business success today by grabbing a copy of our new report.

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